Transnational Partner Meeting 2 in Tallinn

Transnational Partner Meeting 2 in Tallinn

Chaired by the coordinators and hosted at Tallinn University, our recent partner meeting brought together eleven participants for intense discussions and planning sessions. The meeting focused on reviewing project progress, finalising tasks, and refining project...
Literature Recommendation

Literature Recommendation

If you are a teacher educator looking to equip your students with the skills they need to thrive in today’s digital classroom, have a look at this special issue, “Teachers’ Digital Competence for Global Teacher Education”. This special issue...
Productive First Meeting Back

Productive First Meeting Back

Learning Program & Virtual Makerspace in the Works! We’re excited to share that our team kicked off the new semester with a productive first meeting after the summer break! Our partners collaborated on outlining the upcoming learning program and drafted the...
Kicking off the digiTED Project in Ludwigsburg

Kicking off the digiTED Project in Ludwigsburg

Led by the University of Education Ludwigsburg, our first face-2-face meeting brought together eight participants. With online sessions prior focusing on project management, our physical meeting focused on content development, action plans, and deliverables. Relevant...
Connecting @Bett2022

Connecting @Bett2022

It was great connecting with some of our project partners at the BETT Show in London! It was fantastic to have the opportunity to discuss the digiTED project in person and to talk about ways how to create a virtual version of the learning programme with many EdTech...