Associated Partners
The University of Hull (UK)
The University of Hull is a public university founded in 1927 with more than 23,000 current students and approximately 2,500 staff. It consists of four faculties and the Hull York Medical School. It is committed to enhancing the learning experience of its students and has identified staff development and the use of digital technologies as one of the key elements in this strategy. Staff at the School of Education have a long track record in leading international research and development projects, including five previous Erasmus+ projects and numerous pre-Erasmus+ projects.
Through the leadership of Professor Burden, the School of Education has established a centre of excellence for digital technologies with a particular focus on mobile and pervasive technologies. The university has a performance history of supporting staff in the exploitation of digital technologies, including immersive and augmented realities which are a current priority.

Kevin Burden
Associated Partner
Kevin Burden is a National Teaching Fellow and is recognised as a leading international expert on mobile and emerging digital learning technologies, particularly in the context of teacher education. All three of his previous Erasmus+ projects have focused on the use of digital technologies in teacher education with a central unifying theme of professionalism in the workforce. He has led the development of a mobile learning toolkit for teacher education (see which has been used and adopted across the world.
Osijek University (Croatia)
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is a research and teaching constituent of the University of Osijek, generating new knowledge and creating experts in the field of humanities and social sciences. In their work, they connect tradition and innovation, quality and responsibility and develop partnerships.
The faculty developed an excellent synchronous model of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. All teacher educators use BigBlueButton. An example of a successfully implemented activity related to the transfer of knowledge and technology is the ICT Science Laboratory project, funded by the European Social Fund.

Marija Sablic
Associated Partner
Marija Sablic is a full professor, Head of the PhD Defense Board, member of the editorial board of EJTE, holds an international certificate in Montessori pedagogy and teaches contemporary teaching strategies.