Promoting Digitalisation Among Teacher Educators in Europe
The digiTED@EU project (2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000031115) runs from February 2022 to February 2025 and brings together five European partners: the University of Education Ludwigsburg (Germany), the University of Borås (Sweden), the University of Barcelona (Spain), Tallinn University (Estonia) and the National University of Galway (Ireland). The project is an Erasmus+ Project under the Key Action line ‘Cooperation Partnerships’ and is funded by the European Union with a budget of € 391.216,00.
Together, the partners of this project intend to promote and facilitate digitalisation among teacher educators in Europe (and beyond). In the duration of the project, we will follow up and innovatively connect, exploit and rethink what has been developed thus far in regard to promoting digitalisation among teacher educators on different levels. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular has provided new opportunities to teach, learn and research. Now is the time to become active and advance from the crisis together as a whole Europe in the context of the digital era.
‘[being] digitally competent and able to use digital technologies in a confident, critical and responsible way is essential for teachers acting as role models for the future generation’
– Euopean Parliament, 2020
Addressing diverse needs among teacher educators
- to train and support teacher educators more hands-on in their digital professional development
- to ensure that teacher educators develop the required digitally creative mind-set and become agents of their own professional learning, as well as democratic digital citizenship
- to connect and coordinate professional learning across borders and disciplines, inside and outside institutions
- to pool European resources and create spaces for exchange of good practices and reflective dialogue
- to evaluate and recognise European qualifications for teacher educators
- to develop overall digitalisation strategies and action plans on a European, national and institutional level